Liste des films

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Duel in the crater of Bromo Si Buta dari Gua Hantu (Duel di Kawah Bromo)1977
The result of free sex Akibat pergaulan bebas1977
Si Pitung 3 Pembalasan Si Pitung1977
Greedy lust Napsu Serakah1977
Lost paradise (Blind ghost from the cave) Sorga yang hilang (Si Buta dari Goa Hantu)1977
Midwife Dukun Beranak1977 2 (1 Critiq.)
Sejuta Duka Ibu Sejuta Duka Ibu1977
A young wife's spell Guna-Guna Istri Muda1977
Death Blow Jurus Maut1978
Secret of marriage Rahasia Perkawinan1978
Betty, the frightful transvestite Betty Bencong Slebor1978
La mendiante et l'homme au pousse-pousse Pengemis dan Tukang Becak1978
Because of love Akibat Bercinta1978
Ronda, the tiger of Betawi Si Ronda macan betawi1978
Little man Bung Kecil1978
Story of Cinderella Kisah Cinderella1978
Pinocchio, the wood doll Si boneka kayu, Pinokio1979
Cubit-Cubitan Cubit-Cubitan1979
Yellow Coconut Leaf Janur Kuning1979
Love song in High School Gita Cinta Dari SMA1979

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
| Oeuvres critiquées seulement | Projets/Films en tournage