
Pour la section "japon": 157 notes, Moyenne: 3.42

Oeuvre Date Note
Hong-Kong | Japon | Animes | Autres pays | Expatriés | Toutes les sections | Année:
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Monday 2004/05 4.75
Moon Child 2004/03 2.50
MPD-PSYCHO Vol.1 2004/12 4.00
Neighborhood Thirteen 2006/02 4.00
Otakus in Love 2005/11 3.75
Outrage 2010/11 3.50
Party 7 2005/03 3.75
Picnic 2004/02 4.50
Pistol Opera 2004/06 2.00
Porno Star 2004/02 4.00
Postman Blues 2004/05 4.00
Princess Blade 2004/03 2.75
Les Prisonniers du Paradis 2005/08 3.75
Rainy Dog 2004/08 4.25
A Scene at the Sea 2004/09 3.50
Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl 2005/10 3.00
Shinjuku Triad Society 3.50
Skyhigh 2004/07 3.50
Snake of June 2004/01 2.50
Sonatine 2004/08 4.50
Spirale 2005/11 2.00
Stereo Future 2004/01 3.00
A Stranger of Mine 2006/07 4.00
Stray Dogs 2005/12 3.75
Survive Style 5+ 2005/04 3.75
Swallowtail Butterfly 2004/03 5.00
Takeshis' 2006/05 3.50
The Taste of Tea 3.50
Tetsuo : The Iron Man 2004/08 4.00
Tetsuo II: Body Hammer 2004/01 4.75
Three: Box 2004/11 2.25
Tokyo Eleven 2004/11 3.25
Tokyo Eyes 3.50
Tokyo Fist 2004/07 4.50
Tokyo Gore Police 2008/11 3.75
Tokyo Skin 2004/05 3.50
Tokyo Zance 2006/01 3.50
Tokyo Zombie 2006/11 3.50
Undo 2004/03 3.75
Une adolescente 2004/06 4.25
University Of Laughs 2005/08 4.00
Unlucky Monkey 2004/06 3.75
Versus 2004/09 4.50
Violent Cop 4.75
Visitor Q 2004/07 3.50
Vital 2005/07 3.25
Vivre 2004/09 3.75
Waterboys 2004/09 3.50
Weather Woman 2005/04 2.50
Wild Life 2006/02 1.50
Wild Zero 2009/11 3.25
Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims 2006/08 2.50
Yakuza Eiga 2010/01 3.50
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. #2: Deadly Fight in Hiroshima 3.75
The Yakuza Papers, Vol. #3: Proxy War 3.75
Zatoichi 2004/01 4.00
Zebraman 2.50

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