List of movies

Country Status Title Year Avg. (nb)
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Korea Post-Production Mr Housewife 미스터 주부퀴즈왕2005 3.88 (4 Reviews)
The Brother 무등산 타잔, 박흥숙2005
Coréen 2495 Coréen 24952005 4.5 (1 Reviews)
Waiting for Spring 봄이 오면2005
Geo-Lobotomy 뇌절개술2005
Bravo, my Life 사랑해, 말순씨2005 3.06 (4 Reviews)
Love Talk 러브 토크2005 3.19 (9 Reviews)
Malaysia About to be released The Year of Living Vicariously Year of Living Vicariously2005
Post-Production Monday Morning Glory 2005

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| Only movies with reviews | Projects/Shooting in progress
