An insult to women! One more proof that the world is changing soooo slowly... 
This anime is absolutely revolting. And i'm quite surprise that almost nobody did mention it.
Of course, from a technical point of view, it is not bad: the character design is cute, and the animation is ok. But how cannot we react to this awful representation of women?
From the very first scenes, it is clear that one of the goals of this anime is to show us big shots on some parts of female bodies. And why not? If the target is specifically men, it is ok. But as May the cyberdoll enters, the series becomes very upsetting. And this comes on the first place from May's character: she is submitted, obsessed with serving him in everything. The good excuse is that she is supposed to be programmed this way. So she is his slave for everything, like cooking, washing his things, doing housework, and so on...Is she also his sexual slave? There is no explicite answer to this question, but it is quite suggested many times, from the way she has to load, for example...
When you watch some series such as "Love Hina", it is easy to forget the few retrograde ideas (like: every young girl's dream is to become a beautiful wife), but this is really awful because it's all about slavery. And the concept of a cyberdoll programmed to serve a "master" leads to this. If the cyberdoll would have been black, maybe the audience would have get it better, but here it's only a woman, a young girl, so i presume it is ok for most of the men who will watch this. Even though the one form of slavery which has existed (and sometimes still exists) almost everywhere in this world is this one. Maybe that's the reason why nobody sees what is wrong, isn't it?
Other than that, some shots make me wonder who is the real target of this anime. There are shots where rape is almost explicitely suggested, like this moment when the guy imagines what would happen if he would try to study the cyberdoll's program (we see her with torn cloth, begging him to stop). But there are also these strange shots on another cyberdoll, which looks like a 10 years old little girl: the attitudes with the guy (it happens, of course, by accident) is quite explicit too! Is this anime targetted for pedophiles? Let's meditate on this point...
In brief, this anime is cute from the outside (nice drawings), but awful in the inside since its representation of women is so revolting and degrading.