my grade

top 100: #99

The Summer of Kikujiro

number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 5number of reviews: 11number of reviews: 8number of reviews: 40number of reviews: 19

Cinemasie's opinions

13 reviews: 3.94/5

your opinions

71 reviews: 3.94/5

==^..^== 3.75 100% carefree!
Ghost Dog 4
Xavier Chanoine 4.25
Alain 2.75
Chris 4.25
Junta 4.5
Kame 4
Marc G. 4.75
MLF 3.5
François 4.5
Ryoga 4
Ordell Robbie 3
Tenebres83 4
order by grades | date | reviewer    lengths: any length medium and long only long only

100% carefree!

What should I say about this film? It was a quite big surprise. Of course there is a subject at the beginning or, better to say, the trip has an objective. But after a few time it's only a trip. The man and the young boy are going here and there, has they like. One day in a luxury hotel, on day on the road. Finally, they are enjoying the summer and that's all.

30 January 2005
by ==^..^==

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