my grade


Men Behind the Sun

number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 0number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 1number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 4number of reviews: 2number of reviews: 3number of reviews: 0

Cinemasie's opinions

5 reviews: 2.3/5

your opinions

13 reviews: 2.65/5

Amaury 3
Bastian Meiresonne 2
Chip E 3
Fred30 0
geez 4
Jérémy 4
nisei 3.5
ongo 2.5
pacman 3
Phildu62 1.75
Sébastien 3
TsimShaTsui 3.75

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men behind the sun

This is what you call one sick movie. My friend and I rented this one ( we like our horror / gore flicks once in a while ) not really knowing what to expect Well after 45 minutes we turned it off the fact that it was so sick is an understatment , the cruelty that is portrayed in this movie is un-conceivable This is not for the squirmish , there are images in this movie that will haunt you for a long time What is most horrifying about this is that this is one of Japan's best kept secret these experiments really did happen , there are real footage of it and survivors of these camps where used as movie consultants They even made a part 2 and part 3 which just shows that there are a lot of sick people on our beautifull planet

01 February 2004
by ongo

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