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Heart Against Hearts

main information

english title Heart Against Hearts

cast & crew

directorStephen SHIN Gei-Yin - 冼杞然
actorGeorge LAM Chi-Cheung - 林子祥
Carol CHENG Yu-Ling - 鄭裕玲
Dennis CHAN Kwok-San
Manfred WONG
Teddy YIP Wing-Cho
Vivian CHOW Wai-Man - 周慧敏
Suki KWAN Sau-Mei - 關秀媚
Tony LEUNG Hung-Wah
Phillip CHAN Yan-Kin - 陳欣健
YIP Hon-Leung
Cheung Chang
Elaine KAM Yin-Ling
Maggie CHEUNG Man-Yuk - 張曼玉
Rosamund KWAN Chi-Lam - 關之琳
producerStephen SHIN Gei-Yin - 冼杞然
scriptwriterStephen SHIN Gei-Yin - 冼杞然
NG Ka-Shek
LEE Man-Choi
LAU Miu-Yuet

additional Info

shooting studioD&B


Advertising professional Alex and Chu Lai Ngo, Played by George Lam and Do Do Cheng, finally get married and live with Chu's daughter Vivian, played by Vivian Chow. Since the owner of the advertising company migrates, Alex starts to take control of the company. However, the company is forced to close down due to the banker goes bankrupt. Besides, Chu and Vivian both join a financial investment company owned by Alex's old classmate ET, acted by Paul Chun. Chu is promoted to be the Assistant of General Manager in a short period of time. Nevertheless, it is a fraud for Chu...

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