Configuring GA4 for Ecommerce in Magento 2


09-26-24 18:18 

I would like to set up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) integration for ecommerce tracking in Magento 2. What is the best way to do this? What extensions or modules are recommended to use to properly collect sales and user interaction data?

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09-26-24 18:39 RE: Configuring GA4 for Ecommerce in Magento 2

To set up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) integration for e-commerce tracking in Magento 2, try using [url=]magento ga4 ecommerce[/url] . This extension will help you connect your store with Google Tag Manager, through which you can easily implement GA4. After installing the module, add your GTM container to Magento settings. Then, in Google Tag Manager, set up tags for GA4 and enable e-commerce tracking. Review all settings to ensure that sales and user interaction data is transmitted correctly. Testing through GTM Preview Mode will help you ensure that all tags and triggers are working correctly.

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