What games are worth investing in?


06-24-24 12:13 

I have a budget and a strong interest in the gaming industry, so I’d like to turn some of my ideas into a game. It might be something small to start with, but I need to know what’s in demand, what’s worth investing in, and which specialists I could talk to.

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06-24-24 16:43 RE: What games are worth investing in?

If I had these goals, I’d start by finding reliable developers. I wouldn’t go for freelancers. It’s better to work with a full team and discuss all your questions with them. There are game dev studios that even offer free consultations.

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06-24-24 17:59 RE: What games are worth investing in?

Even though I’m not an expert and don’t follow game trends closely, it seems like mobile games are super popular now, even more so than PC or console games. If I had a budget, I’d invest in mobile game development, maybe for iOS https://arrible.com/services/ios-game-development/. People love having a fun way to pass the time, and mobile games are perfect for that. That’s my take from my own experience and those around me.

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