Integration with CRM?


05-24-24 13:15 

Integration of my Magento store with CRM systems. I want to increase the traffic and comfort of my store, but I don't know what services can be used for this purpose

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05-24-24 13:56 RE: Integration with CRM?

Integrating your Magento store with CRM systems can be a daunting task, but it can greatly improve the efficiency of your business. It is recommended that you contact experts or do research to find the most suitable services and tools to integrate with your store and CRM system.

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05-24-24 13:57 RE: Integration with CRM?

In my experience, I have used quite a few services to increase traffic to my store until I learned one truth. Unless you make the interface user-friendly or moving from magento to shopify, the traffic will be low. Personally, only one service helped me in solving this problem

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